EOTAS (Educated other than at school) is where a child or young person is unable to attend a mainstream or special school and a bespoke education is planned outside of the formal school environment.
Under section 61 of the Children and Families Act 2014, local authorities have the power to consent to:
• the education of a child or young person with SENDother than at a school or college (typically at home)• and where the child’s parents or the young person have been consulted and has gathered evidence to demonstrate that it would be inappropriate for the provision to be made in a school or post-16 institution or at such a place.
Whether a school is appropriate for a child or young person will depend on the individual circumstances and the facts.
These might include, but are not limited to:
• a child or young person's background and medical history (including mental ill health)• the child or young person Special Educational Needs (SEN)• the child or young person’s reaction to education provisions, at school or elsewhere• through formal consultation to educational settings.
EOTAS is usually explored as a temporary measure until the identification of an appropriate educational setting for the child or young person. But an EOTAS package can last as long as needed and deemed to be appropriate and in line with other statutory obligations.
Section F of a child or young person’s EHCP details the EOTAS package of support and learning agreed for them. This is produced in conjunction with parents, settings, external specialists and the child or young person. The EOTAS package will be a bespoke programme that will likely include access to the national curriculum in a personalised way, educational trips, equipment, specialist support and access to any other education, health or social care services required.EOTAS will be reviewed annually as part of the EHCP process.
We can provide:
• One to one mentoring and support• Therapeutic support• Educational trips• Support for social, emotional, and mental health difficulties• Support for communication & interaction• Support for cognition & learning• Support for developing life skills• Home tuition
We are always willing to look at ways of creating bespoke packages of support that meet the individual needs of the child or young person as identified in the EHCP.
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